Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I thought I was Six weeks

When I scheduled my first OB appointment I figured that I would be exactly six weeks based on my LMP and the day I ovulated (I pride myself on meticulous notes). Hahaha....I guess I was wrong. When I went to my appointment, I had the ultrasound first so that the OB could confirm a uterine pregnancy and verify an EDD. According to my calculations, I had figured that my EDD would be March 19th, but after the technician measured the CRL, my baby was actually five weeks and 6 days instead of six weeks exactly. So now the little one is due on March 21st---no biggie!
Announcement (along with a baby swim shirt)  that we mailed to the DH's parents and grandparents
Since this is my first pregnancy, I didn't know what to expect. Thankfully, the technician didn't remember me from my last ultrasound two months prior where in a failed attempt at a joke, I embarrassed myself horribly. He got straight to work and immediately I saw little Twig's flickering heartbeat. Twig clocked in at 176 beats per minute, which I am told  means that he's a boy.....or a girl!!

Hahaha....people always base gender on the the silliest things. Apparently, anything over 140 bpm means that you're having a boy....or a girl (ironic, since there are only two genders to choose from) So, right now I will assume that my little one is healthy, and that I am having a baby that will someday let me eat without indigestion (although, my husband is convinced it's a boy.

After the ultrasound I met with my OB who was so happy for my hubby and I. I, of course asked her all my questions that I compiled from various websites that you're supposed to ask at the first appointment such as; "can I exercise?" "How much weight should I gain each trimester?" "Can I delay cord clamping?" and a whole host of others, that I will soon forget answers to.

Luckily, for the google-searching control freak that I am my OB gave me a pregnancy guide that answered all my most basic questions, and a pamphlet on prenatal screening, which I am still on the fence about. My husband and I decided that no matter what (if any) disability our little one has, we'll keep it regardless. so why bother testing? I've also heard that the tests are known to give false positives.

What do you think? Did you do prenatal screening tests? Which ones did you do, and would you recommend them?

Monday, August 5, 2013

A New Branch on the Tree in March of 2014!

I'm a little Type-A and slighty neurotic. I'm that pregnant women who has been charting for over year, who started pre-natals four months before trying to get preggos, who writes down every symptom, and googles the most bizarre questions. So, imagine my relief, joy and excitement when I got my big fat positive the night I picked up my hubby from the airport.

The DH was flying home from a trip Virginia on the latest flight he could get. He was supposed to get in at 10:50pm, and of course I was going to pick him up. I was on the last day of my luteal phase, and utterly depressed. After trying for months, and getting negatives, I figured that my body was rebelling and that my period wasn't going to come.....ever. But, I still told myself  "I need to test tonight before the weekend, so I can drink away the initial woes." So, after I awoke from an early night nap, looked at the clock and lept to my feet after realizing it was 11pm, I figured I would test at midnight after the DH and I got home.

The whole way there I was mentally preparing myself for the worst, another negative. I even cried as I neared the airport. I was so emotional that when I Scott got in the car, I barely muttered a "hello," and we drove home in silence. 

As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs to grab my cup and First Responses Early Response. I did my thing and brought the sample and test down. Scott looked at me and gave me a wink. I dipped the test in, and within a matter of 30 seconds, I saw TWO lines appearing. Buy the end of three minutes, there was no mistaking it---my little Twig was on it's way! Scott and I were thrilled. I jumped up and down, and then forced myself to stop so I wouldn't hurt the baby---yep, I'm neurotic!

I could hardly sleep that night!! I was ecstatic and together with the hubby, we prayed over our little one that God would keep it safe and healthy over the next nine months. I laid in bed for a good hour feeling so blessed and excited. I couldn't wait to tell our friends and family!

The next day, I texted a dear friend who had been rooting for me to get a BFP, and told her. She too is expecting and our little ones will be a month apart, she was over-joyed for us, and asked me how I was going to tell my parents. Honestly, I had no idea so she suggested a fun idea that my parents loved. 

The hubby and I went to Carters and bought cute onesies that said "Grandma is awesome" and "Grandpa is awesome." We wrapped them up with a Grandparents announcement card and gave the gift to my parents that day! Both my mom and dad cried! They were sooo thrilled!! I can't wait to share the news with my hubby's parents. We are waiting to tell them after we have confirmed the pregnancy!

But here's what my little one looks like right now!!

Can't wait to share more!