Friday, March 21, 2014

Twig's Due Date is Here!

Twig's due date is finally here! After ten months of growing a little one, of counting down the weeks and days left, of loving her before I've met her, of wondering what she'll look like and who she'll be, the day is  finally here! But, where is she?
I've been 70% effaced for three weeks, 0 dilated, and at my last u/s the doctor measured her at 6 lbs & 9 ozs. I don't think she's dropped yet--in fact, I think she's actually crawled back up! I am beginning to think she's planning to go to college in my womb. She still is kicking up a little storm even though her heart rate has slowed down, she's happy and healthy.

My mom and I have been joking about Twig's refusal to show up! We were shopping at Carter's on Monday, and right there in the store I had a series of rather uncomfortable contractions that I had to breathe through…they continued in intensity as we drove home, and when I got home--they of course stopped. Then, this morning I experienced the same painful contractions…. close together, intense, shorter than a minute (5 in one half hour) and then they stopped as soon as I got up to fold laundry.

So, these false labors/ pre labors or early labor scares prompted me to serve an eviction notice to Twig. I doubt Twig will vacate the premises though, she's quite comfortable in there, despite the fact that everything is ready for her! Clothes washed, nursery set up, bassinet in our bedroom, meals frozen…all she needs to do is get it together!
But, in the meantime….I thought I would catalog a list of the most memorable things about Twig's pregnancy, so that I don't forget all the special little moments….or not so special moments.

1. The most gawd-awful indigestion and burping that makes me avoid food at all costs.
2. The lovely return of vomiting in the third trimester, and the miracle medicine, Zofran that allows me to keep some food down.
3. "Wow, you're due tomorrow?--you're so small! I looked like you at four months!" (or any variation of that phrase….all pregnancy long)
4. Hearing her little heartbeat, seeing her little hands and legs, feeling her kick me and then pull her little leg back when I tickle her foot.
5. Scott finally agreeing with me on a name--my first choice name!
6. My mom's excitement about little Twig, which leads to her buying Twig all the most amazing things
7. Imagining what Twig will look like. Whose hair color will she have? Eye color? Personality? We know she has Scott's lips!
8. Not one single stretch mark--thank goodness!
9. Joining the mommy club!
10. Creating new goals for my family now that we have a child on the way! It's great to have new motivation.
Fingers crossed she makes an appearance sooner, rather than later!

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